Dust and Sorrow Prologue

Dust and Sorrow Prologue
Dust and Sorrow by Nikoda Fox

Thanks for visiting! Here is a snippet of Dust and Sorrow by Nikoda Fox.


Eleventh Day of the Flower Moon 1880AT

Panic yanked Aneesha out of her sleep. Her Guardians were in mortal danger. That meant she was in mortal danger. It meant their young daughter, Akari, was on the precipice of becoming an orphan.

In only her nightgown, Aneesha ran from the Arbiter apartments to the Archmage quarters where her parents resided. Kisa, the Enchantress that served her family, stopped her in the entryway.

“Let me through!” screamed Aneesha.

Kisa levelled her dark gaze on the Arbiter. “Your parents are handling it.”

“Handling what?” demanded Aneesha, frantic. Her heart tried to run away inside her chest. “What’s happening?”

“You will learn when it is time for you to learn,” said Kisa, her voice still far calmer than Aneesha liked.

“No!” screamed Aneesha, her whole body shaking. “Tell me now!” She tried to get past Kisa, but the Enchantress was strong and stubborn and held her at bay. “Mom! Dad!” screamed Aneesha as she strained at Kisa’s arms. Aneesha could fight her way free, but she didn’t want to hurt the woman who had raised her. “Please! If they’re dying, I need to be with them! Don’t let them die alone! Don’t let me die without—” she choked on a sob. “We barely know our daughter,” she pleaded. “She barely knows us. Please. Help.” Her panic started to give way to anger. “Don’t just sit there and do nothing! You’re Archmages! You can make an exception to save us! Plea—”

Something bit into Aneesha’s neck. She raised her hand, felt a dart. The genuine apology from the guard in the distance was the last thing she heard as the blackness took her.

Kerrington Knights wore heavy plate armor that deterred most but not the Roughrider and Chevalier that hunted them. Logan’s deadly aim sent copper-jacketed ironwood bullets through the Knights’ visors, shattering the skulls beneath. Rhaine’s anger directed his stiletto beneath the chainmail to disembowel any Knights who still dared breathe. It didn’t matter that these Knights were enhanced by the illegal draughts they made and sold. No draught was strong enough to overpower the bond shared by the four Arbiter Guardians who had walked together through centuries of lives and paths.

Rhaine reached their brethren Guardians first. Brenin and Masashi were laid out on the floor of the cave the Knights had been using as a hideout. Masashi sat against the rock wall with Brenin laid across his lap. Both had suffered vicious broadsword attacks. Rhaine immediately took off his satchel and set to work bandaging them.

Logan joined them after retrieving the covered wagon they’d hidden in the woods. Masashi was just conscious enough to take a reparative draught. Logan gave Masashi an amber vial then joined Rhaine in focusing on bandaging Brenin as much as they could.

It took all three of them to get Brenin out of the cave. Masashi’s bandages bled through from exertion, but he refused to remove his support. All of them worked together to load Brenin into the wagon as gently as possible. Rhaine helped Masashi lay down next to Brenin then wedged his large form across the back of the wagon at their feet.

Logan shot Rhaine a concerned look with his black eyes as he shut the tailgate and secured the canvas. Rhaine listened to him climb into the driver’s seat then they started to move.

“How did you get here so quickly?” came a soft commanding growl with the slightest hint of a Ginrou Court accent.

Rhaine turned to Masashi, met his golden eyes. His responding voice was brassbound, refined with no discernable accent. “Aneesha’s parents sent us.”

Masashi’s eyes grew wide. “Does our Arbiter know?”

“She’s aware her Guardians are in danger, but that is all she knows. Her father had just pulled us to the fortress to give us instructions when Aneesha came into their quarters in full panic.” He swallowed as he remembered the sound of her desperate voice pleading for her parents to help. “They wouldn’t let her see us before they sedated her. Sekha intends to keep her in the dark as long as possible to prevent her retaliating against Kerrington Court.”

A mix of anger and sadness filled the Inukan’s dark face. “I am becoming less and less understanding of their treatment of her. She is not a wild animal.”

“No,” said Rhaine carefully, “but she is dangerous in her protectiveness of us. Sekha may not be handling it in a way we like but he’s also not wrong to be concerned.”

Masashi snarled in irritation. “I assume he and Kilaa helped as far as they could?”

“Sekha used his power to send us here instantly.” Rhaine motioned to the wagon. “Provided this wagon. Kilaa worked with the Brielle Archmages to procure a ship with a full complement of medical staff. They’re waiting for us at the nearby port to take you and Brenin to Ginrou. Your mother has agreed to let both of you convalesce at the palace as long as Brenin stays confined to your quarters. Logan and I will see you off then remain here in Kerrington to hunt the Knights that escaped. Kilaa and Queen Anna are meeting with King Aelred to ensure we will not be hindered.”

“Good.” Masashi’s face darkened as he snarled. “Make sure they die painfully for attempting to separate our family.”

Rhaine gave a single, firm nod. “We will.”

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